Texas Holdem Hand Odds Calculator

The Holdem Calculator library calculates the probability that a certain Texas Hold'em hand will win. This probability is approximated by running a Monte Carlo method or calculated exactly by simulating the set of all possible hands. The Holdem Calculator also shows how likely each set of hole cards is to make a certain poker hand. Calculate odds, opponent profiling, and heads up display for Texas Holdem, no need for manual input. HoldemHelpem gives you the pocket rank of your starting hand, pot odds, how many hands can beat.


Have you ever been playing and given (or even taken) a bad beat and wondered, 'What are the odds?' Well, this state-of-the-art Poker Odds Calculator will help you figure out just that. The Poker Odds Calculator will help you calculate your chances on a given hand, in any situation. Know if you have the best poker card odds, with this good free odds calculator and become a poker star. You will learn holdem poker quickly and use this app to improve your poker skills to become a real pro. This iOS ods app can be used Offline, no internet is required.

The Holdem Calculator library calculates the probability that a certain Texas Hold'em hand will win. This probability is approximated by running a Monte Carlo method or calculated exactly by simulating the set of all possible hands. The Holdem Calculator also shows how likely each set of hole cards is to make a certain poker hand. The default Monte Carlo simulations are generally accurate to the nearest percent. Accuracy can be improved by increasing the number of simulations that are run, but this will result in a longer running time.

Command Line Options


I've listed a few examples showing how to use the Holdem Calculator. Note that you can mix and match command line options to suit your needs. See the bottom example in this section to see how to use the multiprocess Holdem Calculator for faster computations.

Default use case:

Multiplayer use case:

Exact calculation:

Board supplied:

Input file supplied:

In order to calculate multiple hands in a single run, the user has the choice to allow Holdem Calculator to read from an input file. Each line of the input file should represent a single calculation. Hole cards and boards should be separated using a '|' divider.

Unknown Hole Cards:

Compute how likely a hand is to win against a random pair of hole cards. You can only specify one set of hole cards as unknown.Note: Performing calculations with unknown hole cards takes an excessively long time if community cards are not specified.

Multiprocess Holdem Calculator:

Takes the same command line options but utilizes multicore processors to increase the speed of computation.Windows users: Due to the process forking mechanism in Windows, parallel_holdem_calc might be slower than expected.

Library Calls:


If you want to use Holdem Calculator as a library, you can import holdem_calc or parallel_holdem_calc and call calculate(). The order of arguments to calculate() are as follows:

Texas Hold'em Starting Hand Odds Calculator

  1. Board: These are the community cards supplied to the calculation. This is in the form of a list of strings, with each string representing a card. If you do not want to specify community cards, you can set board to be None. Example: ['As', 'Ks', 'Jd']
  2. Exact: This is a boolean which is True if you want an exact calculation, and False if you want a Monte Carlo simulation.
  3. Number of Simulations: This is the number of iterations run in the Monte Carlo simulation. Note that this parameter is ignored if Exact is set to True. This number must be positive, even if Exact is set to true.
  4. Input File: The name of the input file you want Holdem Calculator to read from. Mark as None, if you do not wish to read from a file. If Input File is set, library calls will not return anything.
  5. Hole Cards: These are the hole cards for each of the players. This is in the form of a list of strings, with each string representing a card. Example: ['As', 'Ks', 'Jd', 'Td']
  6. Verbose: This is a boolean which is True if you want Holdem Calculator to print the results.

Calls to calculate() return a list of floats. The first element in the list corresponds to the probability that a tie takes place. Each element after that corresponds to the probability one of the hole cards the user provides wins the hand. These probabilities occur in the order in which you list them.


Texas Holdem Poker Odds Calculator Software

Copyright (c) 2013 Kevin Tseng. See LICENSE for details.