What Is Gambling All About

Gambling Disorder. What is Gambling Disorder? Gambling disorder involves repeated problematic gambling behavior that causes significant problems or distress. It is also called gambling addiction or compulsive gambling. For some people gambling becomes an addiction — the effects they get from gambling are similar to effects someone with alcoholism gets from alcohol. Gambling addiction, also known as problem gambling or compulsive gambling, is a behavioral disorder in which a person compulsively bets money in games of chance, even when he cannot afford the cost of doing so. A gambling addiction can create major havoc in the life of its sufferers, their families, and even their employees.

  1. What Is Gambling Addiction

What Is Gambling Addiction


Gambling addiction, also known as problem gambling or compulsive gambling, is a behavioral disorder in which a person compulsively bets money in games of chance, even when he cannot afford the cost of doing so. A gambling addiction can create major havoc in the life of its sufferers, their families, and even their employees. Those with a gambling addiction may miss work or school in order to gamble, neglect their families, and steal money with which to gamble. Such individuals may also sell valuables to pay gambling debts and may well bankrupt themselves or others in order to continue placing bets.

While many people are able to play bingo, slot machines, or spend a day at the horse races with no problems, for those with a gambling addiction, these diversions are very difficult to control. Their addiction prevents them from being able to make sound decisions about when to stop gambling, when to leave the gambling premises, or when to stop chasing their losses, a turn of phrase used to describe trying to win back lost money by continuing to gamble.