Linux Get Memory Slot Information

Linux memory info

Linux Get Memory Size

In this article we’ll see how we can use Dmidecode command to retrieve hardware information of any Linux system. Suppose if we want to upgrade a system we need to gather information like Memory, BIOS and CPU etc. With help of Dmidecode command we will come to know the details without opening system chasis. Dmidecode command works for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/Ubuntu Linux.

Linux Get Memory Info

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Dmidecode tool read DMI (some say SMBIOS) table to fetch data and displays useful system informations like hardware details, serial numbers and BIOS version, Processor etc. in human readable format. You may require root priviledge to execute dmidecode command.

1. Basic Output of Demidecode

Below is the Demidecode command sample output.

2. How to Get DMI Types

DMI Id give us particular hardware information of system. Dmidecode with options ‘-t ‘or ‘–type‘ and ‘Id‘ will provide us the exact infromation. Id 6 will give us Memory Module information.

Following are the DMI types details.

Instead of going with ‘type_id‘ you can also use keyword with ‘-t‘ argument to the dmidecode command. Following are the list of available keywords.

For example, to get the Cache information on system, you can execute below command instead of Id 7.

3. How to Get Memory Information

How do i get Memory information on system and how much memory is supported by system? The following command shows that the system can support maximum 4GB of RAM.


Note: From the keyword list the memory related information IDs are 5, 6, 16 and 17.

4. How Do I Get BIOS information?

To get the BIOS information of the system, run the following command with ‘-t’ option.

5. How Do I Get the Manufacturer, Model and Serial Number?

Linux Get Memory Slot Information

To get the information about Manufacturer, Model and Serial Number of system, use the following command as shown below.

Please run ‘man dmidecode‘ from terminal or command prompt to know more about dmidecode.

Read Also: 10 Command Line Tools to Get Linux Hardware Information