Dungeon Hunter 4 Unlock Passive Skill Slot


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So i recently cheated gems in dungeon hunter 4 but now i would like to get rid if those gems again! Does anyone have any idea on how to remove the gems from my game??? I want to play legit now and earn mony legit and i want those gems removed! Can i delete them by ifile or with gameplayer??? With so many passive skills at your disposal, one is left to wonder: which should I choose? Indeed, you start the game with 3 passive skills slots – and once you have completed the altar and paid the ungodly amount of soul shards required to unlock everything, you can have access to 8 slots – still very limited.

Unlimited Gems in Dungeon Hunter 4

posted Aug 6, 2013, 7:40 AM by mark levy [ updated Aug 17, 2013, 10:50 AM] Dungeon hunter 4 pc cheats

Dungeon Hunter 4 Walkthrough

Hey everyone, I know it has been awhile since I added some new tricks and tips to this page, but this one I learned a couple months ago really needed to be shared.
This trick is for a game called Dungeon Hunter 4, made by Gameloft, for iOS and Android phones and tablets.
As of today, AUGUST 6th 2013, This trick still works 100%
This is going to be a little long, but in the end you will have a way to enjoy the game to its fullest without paying for gems. No Hack, No Downloading, No Jailbreak!
Lets get started!
What I found out is that we can take advantage of the fact the game requires internet access for certain actions in the game, such as Upgrading Items and Removing / Merging Gems. This is exactly what we are going to use for this trick.
Follow these steps to get a feel for the trick so you can do it yourself:
1. Have your device connected to the internet.
2. Open up Dungeon Hunter 4.
3. Select an Item
4. Choose to Upgrade it or Remove the Charm (Will explain the differences later)
5. Turn off your device's internet connection .
6. Switch back to Dungeon Hunter 4.
7. Refresh the current screen, ex: click gems and then switch back to the screen your item is on.
8. Instead of a timer, you will see a ? on your item, for the time until its complete.
9. Click 'Speed Up'
10. If you wait until it should be finished, it will tell you you need 0 gems to complete, then a minute later it will be -1, then -2, then -3, and so on.
11. Click that you want to speed it up. The game will SUBTRACT the gems that it says you need to complete. This means that if it requires -2 gems to complete, you will GAIN 2 gems when you speed it up.
12. As long as you keep your device OFFLINE AND THE GAME IS OPEN you can wait as long as you want before you choose to finish it, it will go on forever in negative numbers, and if you want more gems, just click cancel and wait some more until your happy.

That's it! The only things you need to know, how far you take this, is up to you. I learned just to leave the game on overnight with low brightness while plugged in, because sometimes if I turn my screen off, when I check in the morning, the gems didn't increase. So I think it only counts when you are 'playing' (have the game open)

So you all can see how I use this to my advantage, I have a farming strategy.
1. I make sure to have my inventory space close to full with items that have charm slots or items that can be upgraded cheaply.
I have 130 inventory space, so if I wait until each item is at -100 gems to complete, I can technically get 130 X 100 gems, but charms use inventory space when removed, so keep that in mind.
2. I Make sure That I am connected to the internet.
3. I put a low level charm on each of the items, and if I run out of charms then I will upgrade the rest of the items, or if I run out of items, I will merge the rest of the charms. Anything I can do to cause the timer to start where you can choose to speed it up.
Things to Consider: Lower level gems and items take less time to complete, the less time it takes to complete, the faster the timer will get to 0 gems to complete and lower. It will work no matter what, but you won't have to wait 4 hours to start showing negative gems.
4. As fast as I can, I click Remove Charms or Upgrade on each of my items.
5. Once all of my items are on the 'completion timer' I switch my ipad to Airplane mode.
6. When I go back into the game, all my items will have a ? on it.
7. I play for as long as I want, keep the game on and plugged in while I'm at work.
8. If I really need a inventory slot, I can just speed 1 item up, get the gems, and delete the item to make room in my inventory.
9. Once I'm satisfied, or I need to do things that require the internet in the game, I go through all the items and choose to speed them up.
Right now, my game has 67 items each that cost me -285 gems to complete.

Once I choose to cash in, I will GAIN 19,095 GEMS (67 x 285 = 19,095)
Use the gems to spin the wheel of fate and get skill points or gems, or you can buy the best items in the shop, or you can speed up whatever items you need that second, without worrying about paying hard earned money for gems..
Thanks for reading this, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Feel free to post any questions or comments and I will reply as soon as I can!
-Mark Levy